


None or Light current
Sea life:

Amazing fishes & life!
Level: Advanced Divers
Dive: Deep diving, 23-40m
SS Thistlegorm
During World War II , the German Aviation bombed the ship “Tistalijorm” when the ship was sailing north of the Red Sea .Before sinking , the ship sailed to America, Argentina and the Netherlands .In its last journey the ship received two shells which made it anchor forever in the bottom of the Red Sea in Egypt .
The wreckage of Tistalijormis one of the best wreck dive site in the world .This place attracts divers from different countries to learn about the debris and equipment that still exist in it.Among the equipment were aid and military equipment transferred from the United Kingdom to the British armies during World War II .The total length of the ship is 128 meters. It sank in1941 AD.
The researcher Jacques-Yves Cousteau discovered debris in 1950
a documentary about the debris and was produced and broadcasted on the TV screens all over the world .In 1991 , dive trips began to head for the site after diving tourism in Egypt had been activated. Divers need to dive twice or three times even to get to know the ship fully . Diving once in the debris is not enough because it is a large ship and its military equipment and all its cargo still exist .During the dive, you will see two large tugboats , and two warship tanks and trucks to transport troops and supplies in addition to SUVs, motorcycles and a wide range of shoes and a set of assault rifles and anti-aircraft and spare parts for military aircraft and vehicles.
Egyptian authorities had taken out some stuff and put it in state museums, but this did not detract from the beauty of debris. The debris still maintains its shape and during the dive you will feel you are mingled with history as you travel through time as if you knew the faces that were on the ship .You would be lucky to get acquainted with the ancient war tactics which would be more amusing than reading a novel or watching a movie about WW II.
Currents in this place are strong and visibility is good. In some cases the quality of vision decreases .There is a variety of marine organisms, and you will see different types of fish and other creatures which are many. The depths vary between 23 meters and 40 meters.
Travelling to Egypt is easy and does not require complex procedures. Most states can grant its citizens visa at the airport upon arrival , and the costs are not high. For example a diving trip for two weeks to the city of Dahab , as well as other sites in Sharm el-Sheikh has been up to …
If the diver is coming from the Middle East, the cost is almost $ 3,500
If the diver is coming from Europe , for example, the cost will be $ 4,000