Speciality Course (Night Diver)

Speciality Course (Night Diver)

Diving at night is the goal for many divers. Now you can learn how to do that and how to go scuba diving in bad visibility sites, such as lakes.

850 SAR


Speciality Course (Night Diver)

Diving at night is the goal for many divers. Now you can learn how to do that and how to go scuba diving in bad visibility sites, such as lakes.

Open Water Divers or higher, who are at least 12 years old, are eligible to take this course in which they take one lesson and three dives in the sea.

What are five reasons for night diving?


Since you’re reading this, it’s reasonable to assume that you want to night dive and know why. However, it helps to understand some motivations other divers may have so your buddies and you get what you want out of night diving. Although there are probably as many reasons to night dive as there are night divers, most of these reasons fall into one of five general categories.

1 – Natural Curiosity

To many divers, a night dive spells adventure and a chance to explore the unknown.

2 – Aquatic Life

At sunset, animals active during the day retire, and night creatures emerge. In salt and fresh water, many fish seek shelter in the reef; some change color as they “sleep” on the bottom.

3 – New Look at Familiar Dive Sites

Because the underwater world at night differs from day, many divers enjoy night diving to get a new look at familiar dive sites. Besides different aquatic life, night adds a new dimension, so that the same old reef or wreck appears fresh and different.

4 – Vibrant Colors

Many divers enjoy the vibrant colors that characterize a night dive. As you learned in your entry-level course, water absorbs color from light passing through it. Water absorbs red first, then orange, followed by yellow and green a good bit deeper, leaving only blue (in clear water).

5 – More Chances to Dive

You’ll encounter many people who night dive because it gives them more chances to dive. Hectic work schedules and office hours restrict many divers’ diving to weekends – unless they night dive. During the week, night dives allow you to get underwater after normal work hours. Likewise, on a dive trip, night diving means one more dive before bedtime – a great way to end the day.


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