This time we are discussing a different type of diving. It’s cave diving which involves going to rugged places and caves underwater, usually at very great depth. Hence it requires special equipment in addition to the usually used.

Most of the risks and accidents that occur, for those who practice this sport, are due to low or lack of vision due to the poor lighting, which leads to the separation from the group or having a low level of oxygen. Of course, the cave diver cannot return to the surface directly since s/he will be inside a cave full of water!
The vision in the caves is usually excellent as long as there is no tampering with their bottoms; as most of the caves have a muddy sandy bottom and once it is just moved by the fins of divers, it will take many hours to the clarity of vision to be restored.

Therefore, a diver must always take care of buoyancy skills and be able to master them well.

Many caves spread around the world in fresh watersheds such as lakes and ponds formed from melted snow and diving in them is seasonal where divers often need to dive in a suit as the water temperature is lower than that of the sea or water bodies that are penetrated by the sunlight. The remarkable thing is that diving in the caves is characterized by the lack of currents in most places, which means comfortable diving, less consumption of air, not being restricted to the point of departure and not having to do the drift diving. All that you have to do, dear diver, is to take the decision, be proficient in buoyancy and provide yourself with the required equipment such as clothing, lighting, rope and notes board in addition to the ability to get rid of your psychological pressures on the surface to enjoy the calmness of the depth.

We wish you a pleasant dive every time.

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